Skills and career opportunities


Career opportunities of Industrial Engineering 4.0

You will be able to work in most of the areas of any company in the industrial sector, as well as in companies that are already implementing Advanced Manufacturing and Industry 4.0, also called Digital Industry:

  • Development and innovation of products and processes
  • Design and development of technical products
  • Planning, control and development of production processes
  • Quality control
  • Project planning and managment
  • Organization and planning of companies
  • Technical-commercial managment
  • Management of work teams

Click here for more details about professional opportunities after graduation.

And after the Degree... the Master's Degree in Digital Manufacturing

This Master's degree follows the DUAL methodology. It provides students with a technical profile that can offer solutions to the new challenges of Industry 4.0. Find out more!


Engineering Degree profiles and competences

General Skills

  • To apply technical and innovative project management techniques to meet the needs and expectations of customers, integrating different types of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques.
  • To set up and direct the different areas of a company, with a global vision of the organization and its activities, taking into account the possibilities for innovation and improvement.

Cross-curricular Skills

  • To manage change and innovation by adapting, provoking new situations and providing actions that facilitate the involvement of all members of staff, analysing the mid-term impact of actions and decisions.
  • To work as a team actively participating in achieving a common goal and establishing interpersonal relationships of trust and mutual support.
  • To manage one's own professional project, identifying  training needs and committing oneself to improving them in order to carry out work effectively and efficiently.
  • To meet the present and future needs and demands of customers (external and internal), achieving their loyalty from a customer-oriented perspective.

Specifis Skills

  • To carry out the design, improvement and innovation of products and processes, creating and interpreting the technical information necessary for design, production, control, maintenance and recycling.
  • To propose, direct, apply and evaluate innovation actions for the development or improvement of products, processes or services, generating and acquiring applied knowledge.