Courses with hiring commitment

Training that entails a commitment to hiring participants.

When a company wishes to cover more than one position of the same characteristics, this programme offers the possibility of incorporating qualified personnel into its staff according to the position they are going to occupy. To do this, and in collaboration with the Department of Employment and Social Affairs, training courses are developed specifically for the company. The company, together with the IMH, will design the course, establish the calendar and select the participants.

This training is associated with the recruitment of 50% of the people participating in the course for a period of 6 months or more.

Some courses that the IMH has offered in this modality:

course duration company
Assembly techniques on machine tools 414 hours GRUPO DANOBAT
Project managers 1.368 hours GRUPO DANOBAT
Mechanical assemblers 240 hours ETXETAR
Machining by chip removal  540 hours AFM

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